Integrate Data & Video
StoreVision's solutions integrate store data with live video from the surveillance system. All activities in each area of the store are synchronized and compiled in a database.

Advanced Data Mining System
Advanced search capabilities in our software make it possible to identify any type of transaction or combination of transactions to detect a fraud or process error.

Find Losses And Stop Them Cold
Are you running a retail store or supermarket and your weekly numbers just don’t add up? Do you also need negligence claim protection through video proof? We can help!
Minimize Retail Shrink
Retail shrink is defined as the difference in value of the inventory on the books and the actual inventory available in the store. StoreVision offers a unique tool to reduce shrink and thus increase profit.
Major sources of shrink: Shoplifters: 43%, Employee Theft: 35%, Internal Errors: 16%, Vendors: 6%
That's almost 60% from internal sources alone!
Our solution has been successfully implemented in various retail formats, demonstrating that shrink is a variable and controllable parameter.

Too many companies think of loss prevention only in terms of the selling floor and point-of-sale. However, a store has many areas of liability exposure...and losses don't just limit themselves to theft. Liability claims, insurance, inventory losses, and loss prevention/point-of-sale operations can cost your store a whopping 100 to 350 basis points at retail.
StoreVision's solutions can reduce these costs by more than 100 to 200 basis points, at a cost of only 35 basis points.
Challenges we address and how much you could save:
• POS audit/operations management
35-75 basis points saved
• Liability claims and insurance
25-50 basis points saved
• Inventory shrink (net of POS)
25-50 basis points saved
• Loss prevention operations costs
15-25 basis points saved

Safe, Swift, And Cost Efficient
StoreCtrl System Highlights:
- 5 seconds on average to view each transaction
- 5 minutes on average to provide conclusive evidence
- Retrieves pre- and post-transaction data and video
- Capable of interfacing with all legacy POS systems
- Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant
- Operates independently from the retailer’s POS system
- Numerous combinations of filters to analyze POS data
- Ability to determine scan gaps
- Instant identification of fraud and errors
- Rapid return on investment (typically 3-7 months)
- No recruiting, training or retention costs
- Documents legal proof of theft or fraud